highland ave. sound  & visual works

condottieri records

Jay Limpid

After the murder of his brother, Jay Limpid moved back to BH in efforts to regain control over a struggling economy in his hometown. Not too long after he meets Ollie who briefs him on the status of the Parks. It had been 12 years and a lots changed.

10 years past and things were maintaining for better days, but there were a few things still to discover.

Jay and Ollie knew of books that gave the gate key to the Blessings of the Blossoms. Jay's Uncle, who is a retired Professor, gave guidance in finding the books in BC  (Berrien County).

Acts of Temporary Enslavement Reversal – Acts of Matching Serial Numbers – Acts of Claims of Precious Metals

The struggle is real but the guidance is even more real.

Blessings of the Blossoms