Our Catalog of sound and visual works over the years contains a time capsule of our growth as technology and life lessons continue to embrace Highland Ave S&VW. To add we are honored to be able to present these works for your enjoyment as we travel through this legacy of production called "Midwest Hip Hop USA".
Neither a sentence nor paragraph could out do you having an opportunity in experiencing this journey with us….
Strozzini in his own rank brings the Condottieri Sound from
his prospective through this production. To add, Stro has taken the time of
many years of production and stirred it to become this. After a long absence
from the Condott team, he comes to the table with much to bring. Between 2
Climates is just the beginning.
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Gangsta Releas Date: 2021
This release was put together at the beginning of the COVID-19 discovery. Over time the influence of things that surrounded life changing situations, feed into the production. At the same time the focus of ideas that was instrumental to the completion of this piece remained intact. From relationships to political and historical influences, this album is a selection that fits to being the 9th release of Chronicles by O’Corleone.
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Hip Hop Release Date: 2021

The sixth Chronicle depending on who is listening, can bring about debates of trying times of change. Where those who are chosen to believe in, will either be truthful or not.
This chronicle is simple but complex to those who argue points of where we are as human beings on the small fragile planet.
This freshman production by our newest producer QHunndo, displays his version of today's Hip Hop in his light. Crafted solely by him and a local producer we call E, they both put SWM (Southwest Michigan) in light for us lyrically, that we can use theater of the mind in closing unknown subjects from young minds of his area. Most defiantly a good listening to.
Condottieri Records is once again proud to give our audience the raw one take action of O'Corleone's Chronicles. Black Gold is a collection of freestyles that were recited to music from Los Angeles, Cal, Detroit, MI, and of course Benton Harbor, MI. This wide range of production makes this that much more unique along with none of his lyrics are written down. All of O'Corleone's music is complemented with his stand alone freestyle talents. This Production is no less than that high expectations of Highland Ave. Condottieri and his own push for greatness when it comes to traditional Hip Hop keeping up with current times and paving a way of longevity of those to come after him. For this we end with enjoy and listen with a third ear to the freestyles of O'Corleone.
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Alturnitive Hip Hop - Release Date: 2017
Condotteri Records is proud to present this piece. MBR, a vet at Highland Ave. Condotteri, has sustained the wealth of his craft representing Slaughter Town Mafia's contributions to Midwest Hip Hop. With this being is junior release, it shows the consistency of his work. Enjoy and continue to visit us....
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Dirty South - Release Date: 2017
Big Chicken is our 2017 addition to the Highland Ave. Condottieri Family. Yung Kris, founder and CFO of BCE, has made his way into bringing his style and stage to the Hip Hopper and is paving the way for new challenges to be accomplished.
This collection of songs are stories that lead up to where he is in life today. To add, there are selected visual works that complement His story-line in life where you will know this is just the beginning. BCE will be here for a long standing in the work of sound and visual works. HASVW is pleased to have BCE and look forward to many releases they bring to the table. Enjoy!!!
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Hip Hop - Release Date: 2017
The lyrical style of Mr. Brand New is of Southern USA aggression, adopted to Michigan's Fruit Belt of Hip Hop.
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Southern Style - Release Date: 2015
The first release of 2015, this production produces the introduction to the world of O’Corleone. A unique Midwest Style that is captivated from Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan Hip Hop! This production is a fresh start into Michiana’s Home Grown World of Urban Music. We Hope All Enjoy!
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Hardcore Rap - Release Date: 2015
This is the second Chronicles of O'Corleone's growing up and living throughout Midwest, USA. An inspiring 11 track album that will fill the atmosphere with a continuing of "Life Lessons" .
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap: Hip Hop
Release Date: 2015
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